Date: 01 May, 2015 Author: jafari malema
RITA Staffs have joined forces with their counterparts around the world in celebration of May Day 2015
Employees are required to perform their duties with commitment to accelerate the development of the growth of the national economy while the government struggled to resolve challenges faced the civil servants and private sector Workers.
Speaking at the ceremony the Regional Commissioner of Dar es salaam Hon Sadick Meck Sadick has assured workers that the government will deal with additional wage rates with tax deductions of salaries to reduce the hardship experienced the Workers. About the problem of transport Hon Meck Sadick has brought concern on Dar es Salaam Rapid Transport (DART), which will begin late this year and eliminate the cause of the delay to staffs which contributed by traffic jam especially for institutions existing in the middle of the City of Dar es Salaam.
Meanwhile, employers are required to effectively manage employment law and workplace relations in section Number 6 of 2004 especially in involving workers through workers councils in adopting their budgets parallel institutions and improve working conditions in order to make responsible and productivity.
World Wakers Day takes place every year on 1 May which this year nationally have been conducted in Mwanza where the guest is the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Honorable Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete and Dar es salaam celebrations that have taken place in Uhuru Stadium with the slogan '' Employee Register Your vote has value for our development. ''